Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Recap of The Mortal Instruments Series- City Of Glass (BOOK 3


-5 parts, including Epilogue and Prologue (Cover: Jonathan Morgenstern as Sebastian Verlac)


Amid the chaos of war, the Shadowhunters must decide to fight with the vampires, werewolves and other Downworlders - or against them. Meanwhile, Jace and Clary have their own decision to make, should they pursue the love they know is forbidden?


  • Set in Alicante, the shadowhunter's capital city in Idris.
  • Jace & the Lightwoods are supposed to be travelling through portal made by Magnus to Alicanter when an ambush overwhelmed them.
  • Jace accidently brought Simon, who is a Daylighter Vampire together to Alicante where Downworlders aren't supposed to be.
  • Clary furious knowing that Jace forbids and left her, she built her own portal after she saw the remains of attack that happens minutes before they Portalled.
  • When arrived at Alicante, Clary was introduces to Amatis, Luke's sister.
  • Sebastian Verlac was introduced to the story as the one of the cousin's of the Lightwood siblings, though Izzy didn't seem to like him.
  • Turns out that the  sebastian Verlac they have been with all this time was an impostor. He was actually Valentine's demon son, the real Jonathan Morgenstern.

  • Clary uncovers new startling details about herself and her life as she tries to stop Valentine from seizing the last mortal instrument, the mirror, and as she strives to recover her mother.
  • She shows to the whole Clave and the people of Alicante that she can create new runes, one of them is tying one Shadowhunter with one Downworlder together while in battle. Their ties are much like a parabatai does, difference is, they will wore off as soon as the battle is over.


Part 1 - Sparks Flew Upwards
  1. The Portal
  2. The Demon Tower Of Alicante
  3. Amatis
  4. Daylighter
  5. A Problem with Memory
  6. Bad Blood
  7. Where Angels Fear To Thread
  8. One Of The Living
  9. This Guilty Blood

Part 2 - Star Shine Darkly
  1. Fire and Sword
  2. All The Hosts Of Hell
  3. De Profundis
  4. Whre There Is Sorrow
  5. In The Dark Forest
  6. Things Fall Apart   
Part 3 -The Way To Heaven
  1. Articles Of Faith
  2. The Shadowhunter's Tale
  3. Hails and Farewell
  4. Peniel
  5. Weighed In the Balance
Epilogue :Across The Sky In Stars..

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