Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Recap of The Mortal Instruments Series- City Of Fallen Angels (Book 4)


Blogger's Note : This book is particularly important not to be miss coz this is all where everything happens and all the truth  starts to reveal itself and takes it toll on Clary, Jace, Simon and Sebastian.. Dont miss this book! ^^

-3 Parts including the Epilogue (Cover :Clary Fray & Simon Lewis)


City of Fallen Angels splits its focus between Jace and Clary, who are now able to say that they are a couple, aware that they are not actually siblings, and Clary's Shadowhunter training; and Clary’s best friend, Simon, and how he adjusts to life as a vampire.
In this book, someone has been killing the Shadowhunters who used to be in Valentine’s Circle, leaving their bodies around New York City in a manner designed to provoke hostility between Downworlders and Shadowhunters. Internecine warfare among vampires is ripping the Downworld community apart, and only Simon — the Daylighter who everyone wants on their side — can decide the outcome; too bad he wants nothing to do with Downworld politics.
Meanwhile, Jace and Clary investigate a mystery that has deeply personal consequences for them — consequences that may strengthen their relationship, or rip it apart forever.
Love, blood, betrayal and revenge: the stakes are higher than ever in City of Fallen Angels.

  • Simon received an offer from a vampire named Camille Belacourt to join allegiance with her,a voiding Raphael Santiago from killing her.
  • Being the only Daylighter and posesses The Mark Of Cain at the time, everyone want him on their side, Downworlders and Shadowhunter alike
  • Simon's mother started to wonder why Simon seems odd and unusally not himself. Simon didnt talk to his mom about his Change at all
  • Someone attacked Simon and somehow they are the one who feel the pain seven time worse than how they hit Simon, as he possesed the Mark Of Cain.
  • Simon's mom confronts him n asked about blood supply that she found in his closet and he confronted his mom in the issue. She was in disbelief and claimed that a demon has taken over her son's body and the Simon now is not her real son.
  • She fainted n when she regained her consciousness, Simon told her its all a bad dream n she believed him. Simon silently packed his stuff and move out from his house.
  • He moves in with the new member of his band Jordan Kyle.
  • Jace stop by his apartment and realised tht Jordan was in fact, a warewolf.
  • Jace keep having a nightmare of stabbing Clary and choking her simultaneously, which what making him avoided her.
  • Clary and Jocelyn find out that someone is trying to make babies like Jonathan Mogenstern, half demon half.
  • In one of Simon's gigs, he ran out ill of lack of blood consumption,when his admirer, Maureen followed him and soon been bitten by Simon.
  • Realizing what he had done,he regrets and ran away, thankfully for Jordan to interrupted.
  • Simon confronts Maia and Isabelle about his relationships with them and they were furious.
  • Maia recognized Jordan as her ex boyfriend who had turned her into what she is now, a warewolf.
  • Maia attacked Jordan and luckily was stopped by Simon and Izzy.
  • Clary made her way to Church Of Taito and soon been fighting a Hydra Demon and helped by Isabelle
  • While having an intimate moments in the Institute, Jace injures Clary with a knife.
  • Jace breaks down and told her about his nightmares and stating  that they are the reason why he's been avoiding her.
  • Clary then took Jace to the Silent City, where she discovered that  the reason why Jace been experiencing all that is due to his vulnerability towards demonic influence, which occur when he was resurrected by Angel Raziel after Raziel stabbed Valentine.
  • They explained that when the shadowhunters were infants various rituals were performed to produce a shield and strengthens their abilities ro fight the demonic influences and Jace, being reborn, is most likely his protection was stripped off him.
  • Silent Brothers said that they will make another rituals for Jace and prevents Clary to stay as she will be distracting Jace at the moment the ritual is conducted
  • In his cell, Jace has a dream that he is back in Idris while realizing it's still a dream. Max appears to him and persuades him that the dreams are telling him that he is actually hurting Clary and his father (Stephen Herondale) is worried about him. 
  • He cuts his arms after Max convinces him that he will destroy the rotten part.
  •  With his blood, Max, who is actually the demon Lilith, draws a rune on his chest which allows him to be under Lilith's influence.
  • Jocelyn and Luke, now engaged, attend an engagement party organized by Luke's werewolf pack, in which Simon disappears. 
    Isablle, Alec, Maia, and Jordan follow Simon using a business card they found in his wallet. When they get to the building, they check every floor until they find him. 
  • Clary also disappears after being kidnapped by Jace to which no one else knows about yet. He has lied to Clary about leaving the Silent Brothers early. Jace tells Clary about a rune that binds them to one another forever. 
  • Clary accepts and hands him her stele. He begins to draws a rune, but Clary finds out too late that this is not the rune he told her about as she begins to lose conciousness with Jace catching her and carrying her away. 
  • Simon is led away from the party by Maureen, now a vampire, and is taken to Lilith, who has been alive since the beginning of time. 
  • She turned up at one of Simon's band's concerts and introduced herself as a prompter called Satrina (one of the 17 names given to Lilith). She explains that she needs him to resurrect Sebastian from the dead.  
  • When he tells her that he cannot bring the dead back to life, she tells him that he had had that power ever since he became a Daylighter.
  •  In order to persuade him to resurrect Sebastian, she possesses Jace and orders  him to kidnap Clary. Jace brings Clary to LIlith and she orders him to kill her if Simon does not resurrect Sebastian. 
  • Simon reluctantly bites him and drains some of his blood; being poisoned in the process due to Sebastian's demon blood. 
  • However, instead of finding Simon, they find the place that Lilith used as her nursery, with all the children dead.
  •  Everyone of them had clawed hands and black eyes, like that one Clary and her mom saw at the hospital. The babies were the outcome of Lilith trying to make half-demon children like Sebastian. While going through the room,
  •  Isabelle notices someone in the corner and attacks that person, and it turns out to be a mother of one of the babies who then explains to them what happened. 
  • Clary tricks Jace by saying she does not wish to watch and he embraces her. She then grabs Jace's knife and cuts the rune that Lilith is using to possess him on his chest, causing Jace to be freed from Lilith's control. 
  • Jace tells Clary to run away, and believes that she did, but then LIlith reveals that Clary stayed and starts torturing her with a whip. The third time that she goes to hit Clary, Simon kills Lilith by throwing himself between Lilith and Clary (The Mark of Cain). 
  • The Clave appears at the scene, and Isabelle tells them the story of what happened downstairs, while Jace is waiting for them upstairs. 
  • Jace and Clary share an intimate moment up on the roof. Jace is ashamed of his actions despite literally having no control over himself. 
  • Clary tells him that she loves him no matter what happens and the two share a kiss. She then does down to the lobby to meet her mother, Luke, Simon, Maia, Alec, Magnus, and Isabelle, promising to come back in five minutes. 
  • It concludes with Jace's rune healing, hearing Sebastian's voice in his head, and with Sebastian/Jonathan now in control of Jace, Jace is forced to finish the awakening ritual on Sebastian, who is now wholly and fully alive. 

 Part 1 :Exterminating Angels
  1. The Master
  2. Falling
  3. Sevenfold
  4. The Arts Of Eight Limbs
  5. Hell Calls Hell
  6. Wake The Dead
  7. Preator Lupus
  8. Walk In The Darkness
  9. From Fire Unto Fire
Part 2- For Every Life
  1. 232 Riverside Drive
  2. Our Kinds
  3. Sanctuary
  4. Girl Found Dead
  5. What Drams May Come
  6. Betti Bellicossi
  7. New York City Angels
  8. And The Cain Rose UP
  9. Scars Of Fire
  10. Hell Is Satisfied.

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